Welcome To MSINFO13 !

If you have any project about website,applications,advices or assistance, I'm here to help you.

With 10 years of experience in IT,data engineer and perfectly mastering programming WEB languages,I offer you my expertise in the following fields:

  • Web site creation (either static or dynamic)

  • Web Application creation (rgpd compliant,PWA)

  • Remote assistance

  • Advices

  • Computer assembly/Performance optimization

  • "Old person" formula: detailed explanation and use of several supports like computers,smartphones,TV

  • Photo/Video montage/Slideshow (birthday,wedding,..)

  • Formation/Introduction to programming

  • Much more activites possible, feel free to ask!

All prestations have a different price, depending on your project

My prestations

Staticals & Dynamicals Websites

Whether you are rather CMS or custom, I propose you to create the Website of your dreams!

space gray iPhone X
space gray iPhone X
App developpement (All supports&devices)

Let me develop an application in PWA mode that will allow you to free yourself from the medium used!

shallow focus photography of books
shallow focus photography of books

Let me teach you how to create yourself a beautiful website or application ! I'll give you the basic requirements and precious advices.
I can also teach you many other topcis (data,desktop,etc)

man using MacBook
man using MacBook

Whatever your needs on IT, let me bring you some useful advices to evolve or make your needs more efficient

person holding white Samsung Galaxy Tab
person holding white Samsung Galaxy Tab
Data Analysis

With a fine analysis of your data and an exploitation in the form of dashboard/report, I propose to you to take advantage of your data in order to bring out actions or understand certain phenomena


It's probably my clients who speak best about MS INFO 13!
Here are some comments from lasts projects

Contact form

Send me a message for any needs.Do not hesitate to be the most comprehensive possible so I can come back to you with a quote



06 68 69 11 53

Working Hours

Wednesday: pm

Saturday: day
Sunday: day


Possibilité de venir sur zone Aix-Toulon-Marseille (facturé)